Who Were the Biggest Pixel Buyers on the Million Dollar Homepage?

The Million Dollar Homepage attracted thousands of advertisers, but some stood out due to the size and creativity of their purchases. Among these pixel collectors, certain buyers left a more lasting impression due to the prominence and visibility of their ads.

The Biggest Buyer: RentPixelAds.com

RentPixelAds.com was the largest single buyer on the Million Dollar Homepage, securing a substantial portion of the grid. Their ad pointed to what is now a TikTok account: yjreditz. This demonstrates the evolving nature of online presence, as businesses and individuals repurpose their digital assets over time.


Other Notable Buyers

While RentPixelAds.com claimed the largest space, other advertisers also made significant purchases:

  • ThePixelGang: A playful and visually striking ad that helped attract attention.
  • Hosting Companies: Several web hosting providers used the site to promote their services, capitalizing on the digital audience.
  • Tech Startups: Emerging companies saw the project as a way to gain exposure among an innovative and tech-savvy crowd.
  • Actually : Currently the largest known owner of pixels linked to domain names is PixelCollectors.comHugedomains, GoDaddy and also SEDO also offer many domain names linked to pixels but they do not directly own the domain names for sale on their platform.


Strategies of the Top Buyers

The biggest buyers not only purchased large blocks of pixels but also used their space creatively. Eye-catching designs, bold colors, and clear branding ensured their ads stood out in the crowded mosaic. Many leveraged their presence to drive traffic to their websites or to create curiosity among viewers.


Legacy of the Biggest Buyers

Some of the largest pixel buyers have since disappeared, while others have shifted their strategies or rebranded entirely. RentPixelAds.com’s current link to a TikTok account highlights the ongoing evolution of digital marketing and how businesses adapt to new platforms.



The biggest pixel buyers on the Million Dollar Homepage played a key role in its success, showcasing the potential of creativity and scale in online advertising. Their contributions not only helped Alex Tew achieve his $1 million goal but also demonstrated the diverse ways in which brands could capitalize on a viral phenomenon.